Become a Book Catalyst

More than just a Book Shepard, but a Book Catalyst!
Become an iSpirit Book Organizer & Published Author
iSpirit Book Publishing offers and encourages Influencers, Visionaries, and Experts, from the various areas of Spirituality, Metaphysics, and all realms of Consciousness, Ageless Wisdom, Conscious coaching, and new thought knowledge to step up their World Service.
We envision the partnership with Souls holding a new Creative Vision & visionary leadership. Together we can create a groundbreaking concept: One where you would be able to organize and anchor books with our support. In addition, the objective would be to provide those interested in acquiring editorial experience to contribute their unique blueprint to the expansion of Consciousness at all levels through the ancient techniques of Storytelling.
The "Franchise" Facet of iSpirit Publishing and all our book series will be open access (at iSpirit Books' discretion) and contribute to the spread of knowledge in the area you are an Adviser and Organizer. iSpirit Books and Media Services will support and assist in all steps of the organizational process.
I was given the ability to create stories and characters. That's my part of the long chain of writers, publishers, agents, booksellers, librarians, and a host of others who eventually deliver literature.
Karl Marlantes
What does a Book Shepard do? How is it different from a Book Catalyst?
A book shepherd takes a book through all the necessary steps—writing, editing, design, printing, marketing, distribution—in the most cost-effective manner possible.
But as an iSpirit book organizer and adviser, you don't need to bother with those things. We will do it for you. Your job will be to gather like-minded people and, through cooperation and collaboration, create a book that will help others on their spiritual journey.
How it works:
Download the Form
Fill in the form (download here) and send it to the e-mail
A Open Call to Submissions
The call to submission will be open and publicized on all our social networks (including those of the parent companies) and in our author database. The organizers must also publicize the call to their contacts and invite authors to participate in the collective work.
About The Catalyst: Organizer
The organizer acquires the right to include up to three chapters free of charge in work as long as it has 10 (ten) or more confirmed chapters. If the work offers the printed modality, the organizer also receives a printed book by the Post Office as a courtesy as long as it has 15 (ten) or more confirmed chapters.
The Book Catalyst
The Book Catalyst or organizer(s) prepare(s) the presentation, the index (if necessary, we can help), and a synopsis of the work.
We Analyze the Submission
We contacted you to inform the opinion on the originality and viability of the Book Series theme.
Decision About Book Formats
Books will be published in print and digital format, audiobook format with two ISBNs, DOI of the work and Catalogue, index, access through QR Code and bar code. The publishing credits of authorship will be from the work's registration and are attributed to the organizer(s) and Anchoring authors.
This will be Your Shinning Moment.
The name of the Catalyst and spotlight authors will be included on the cover of the work. The ten highlight places on the front cover will carry their names. These privilege placements will allow them to register individually as an accomplished publisher author on the various Author sites, such as Goodreads and Amazon. But you, as an organizer of the printed work + e-Book, would also be considered a Published author since your chapter will be included free of charge on the same work.
Final Approval
The publisher reserves the right to decide on the publication of works with less than ten chapters if they have more than 70 pages (iSpirit Publishing criteria). If it is published, the benefits of publication will go to the organizer(s).