"Deluxe publishing" refers to a high-end, premium approach to producing and distributing books. Whether in traditional print form or digital format, deluxe editions are characterized by superior quality, additional content, and often special packaging or presentation.
eBOOK Deluxe
- Three Formats: Kindle+Nook+iPad
- Black & White Publishing
- Number of pages/words: 60 p/20,000 words
- Non-Fiction: Yes
- Fiction: Yes
- Strategy Shepherding Session: One Hour
- ISBN*, US Copyright Registration
- Library of Congress Control Number* Registration in your name
- Printer Account and File Setup with the printer & distributor in your name
- Electronic Proof
- Standard Press Release (The writing services)
- eBook Cover Design-Professional Cover Design
- Personalized back cover
- BOOK FORMATTING -Professional Interior Formatting
- Image or Graphic Insertions (b &w)
- Pricing Market Research
- Book Teiser-30 seconds
Books and ebooks that surpasses 20,000 please contact us privately.