Vasanta Press
Vasanta Press USA is a special imprint of iSpirit Publishing House that caters to a unique niche publishing that covers Ageless Wisdom works and authors.

Vasanta Press is an imprint of iSpirit Publishing that offers books covering mystical, occult, and esoteric knowledge, and everything between Consciousness and a Holistic lifestyle.
We work with books from different streams of Wisdom and knowledge: yoga, theosophy, Eastern philosophies, Metaphysics, and on various Esoteric teachings.
Vasanta is a minor god of the spring season in Hindu mythology. He is a close ally of Kamadeva, the god of love; they are always together.
He lives in a beautiful palace in Swarga Loka. His magnificent palace is surrounded by nature. In this citadel, it is always Springtime. Learn more about us at