"Publishing a book is a project and, like every project, it has costs that should be analyzed in advance before making any decisions or investments. There are more economical means, more expensive means, and more complicated means of publication.
Publishing Softcover + eBook
Book Publishing Package Premium
Black & White Publishing
Non-Fiction: Yes
Fiction: Yes
Book Shepherding Session: 2 X 30 minutes
Trim Size: 6 X9
Strategy Session Call
ISBN*, eBook +Books in Print, U.S. Copyright* US Copyright Registration
Library of Congress Control Number* Registration in your name
Paperback (*Hardback Format quoted separately)
Author Discount for Books
Electronic Proof
Standard Press Release (writing services)
Book Cover Design-Professional Cover Design
Personalized back cover
BOOK FORMATTING -Professional Interior Formatting
Image or Graphic Insertions (B &W)
Manuscript Copy Editing (up to 30,000 words)
eBook Bundle, File Formatting and Distribution
Pricing Market Research
Book Teiser-30 seconds
Nonexclusive Contract
Online Distribution
Media Kit
Personalized author's page at iSpirit Website