Sponsor an iSpirit Book
Boost Your Brand by Sponsoring one iSpirit Book
(Thematic Anthology)
Creative Marketing &Media
Why Should you Sponsor an iSpirit Book?
Raise your brand profile with the people that matter by sponsoring an iSpirit Book Serie. Sponsoring a book is a fantastic way of increasing brand awareness, which helps to generate consumer preference and to foster brand loyalty.
By being associated with one of our books you can reinforce awareness among your target market. And unlike sponsoring an event, sponsoring a book means your brand and website are promoted continuously for years.
Our books are produced as both paperbacks and eBooks for iOS, Kindle, and Android devices, along with audiobooks.
Sponsor's Benefits
A sponsor can enjoy a wide range of benefits from a carefully selected sponsorship, which can:
· Raise brand awareness and create preference
· Create positive PR and raise awareness of the organization as a whole
· Provide attractive content for a range of products and services
· Build brand positioning through associative imagery
· Support a sales promotion campaign
· Create internal emotional commitment to the brand
· Act as corporate hospitality that promotes good relations with clients.
Sponsoring a book: $1000 (USD). Note: There is only one sponsor for each book.
Sponsors will receive:
· Accreditation on the inside cover of the book
· A full page inside the book for a company profile with links to your website
·A full-page ad inside the book with links to your website. The ad will be printed in black and white in the paperback and in color in the eBook,
If you would like to sponsor one of our books, fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.